
Wednesday, 20 February 2013

February Wishlist Revisited

After doing my February Wishlist I couldn't help but treat myself a little bit early because I've become a little obsessive with owning EVERYTHING within a price range that I like. My bank balance and conscience disagree's with this bad habit but I just cannot resist as of late. You'd think I'd come to my senses after finding that my overflowing wardrobe is full of 90% unworn and quite possible unwearable clothes but the teenage girl inside of me just cannot let go. 

I'm loving the monochrome look lately so my style is starting to go more into that direction!.
So we have my beautiful Premium Topshop Wedges teamed with a Stripey Petite Topshop Dress  as I love making sure outfits are suitable for both a trip out shopping and drinks afterwards (just in case). Also to accessorize a little I added a small Primark Belt and a Asos Chained Necklace as I'm trying to swerve away from the "simple" look which I've been stuck with since the summer. And lets not forget the trusty triple pack Primark Tights that have served me well for 6 years!.

What are your favourite styles this season?


  1. I love the wedges! The outfit looks really good too :)
    Lovely blog, will like it now :) xx

  2. I love this look! The dress and the boots are just perfect! <3

  3. Beautiful outfit! The accessories finish it off in such a powerful, yet simple way. Love it.

    Love Daniela (new fan) oxo

  4. Thank you all for your lovely comments!

    Gemma x

  5. I really love this dress I am definitely goin to have to try I when I'm next in toppers. Your shoes are amazing too :) xxx

  6. OMG!!! Those shoes!!! My jaw just dropped.

    Gorgeous outfit, beautiful style. Loving the blog

    Keep it up


  7. As nice as they look they're an absolute killer to walk in!

    But thank you!, that's extremely nice of you

    Gemma x

  8. Just came across your blog, you're gorgeous! i love this look, big fan of the monochrome trend too x

  9. Thank you very much!. It's all I've been wearing lately, getting a bit obsessive!

    Gemma x
