
Saturday 2 March 2013

"Hangover Cure"

Hello!, Today I was going to do a February Favourites post however I thought considering the state I woke up in this post will probably be more suited to my current state of mind. I very very rarely go out "drinking" however last Thursday was my last day in training at work so after 6 months of being a little family, to say our goodbyes before we move to different teams we decided to go out to a local restaurant in my town and then go out after. However Jaegerbombs were 3 for £5 and I couldn't really turn that down so here I am, after getting no sleep whatsoever to tell you guys what sorts me out on days like these!

1. Black XS Body Lotion
So this is a must for me because after a night out the smell of smoke (from other people, not me) lingers for ages after and the strong flowery scent from this helps to override that entirely and therefore makes it easier to start to forget that you feel ill for a reason. I also absolutely love the perfume counterpart however I've recently run out and desperately need to buy some more!
2. Rimmel Wake Me Up
I, like many others, love this foundation and the fact it completely perks up my skin and helps to make me look a little bit fresher which does help prep me up as well because at the end of the day if you look fab you're going to feel fab!.
3. Nivea Soft
I tend to find my normal moisturisers just aren't enough when I'm not feeling my best and therefore need to go for a more heavy duty one and I love this (although I'm not entirely sure on whether it should be used on my face). It makes your skin feel plump and dewy which is what I need. It's also only £2.45 for a 75ml tube so you can't really go wrong there!.
4. Lush Bubblegum Lip Scrub
This is amazing for getting rid of dry lips and making them feel all soft and supple again!, makes taking off lipstick stains a whole lot easier
5. Chanel Soleil Tan De Chanel Bronze Universal
I only bought this a week ago but it's the perfect Bronzer for the "dewy" look which will hopefully make me look a lot fresher!.
6. Louise Gray Cream Eyeshadow
I bought this in a pair for £1 in the latest topshop sale and although its an eyeshadow I find that it's actually the perfect natural blush colour and very similar to mac well dressed!. Again this helps make my skin look fresher!
7. Tea
This is an absolute necessity!!!, there's nothing that makes you feel better like a nice hot cup of tea or 5...

If anyone wants me to still do a February faves let me know below and hope you're all having a fabulous weekend! :)

1 comment:

  1. agree with all those products! especially cups of tea!;)
